November 22, 2010

Fall Fun.......

I have been a major slacker lately!!!  I have a ton of photos to blog about so bare with me......We had so much fun this fall.  The kids were off track 3 weeks in October so we did lots of fun things. 

The PuMpKiN PaTcH.....

LOVE this girl....she loved the Pumpkin Catch (yes, that is what she called it!)

Bronson and his Pumpkin



While the kids were off track, Kassie and I took the kids to Wheeler Farm where we did a hay ride and a mini Corn maze.  It was a great way to get us in the fall spirit.  The little ones had so much fun in the corn maze!

Addy Loves Noah
Don't the older ones look thrilled to be taking the picture, they would rather be playing tag!

Addy Loved throwing the hay up in the air

What would we ever do without McKenzie, she is such a great helper!

Love this, Bronson walking with Addy

Oh, he thought he was such a great helper

Addy and Noah feeding the ducks.

What would fall be without Utah Football???  We LOVE going to the games.  Rain or shine!

It was POURING rain.  Water was rushing down the walls inside the tunnel!

We are HUGE fans

It is so fun sitting with these ladies!

Bronson making Carmel Apples

 SpOoKy CoRn MaZe
For family night we went with some friends to the haunted corn maze.  The kids had so much fun.  The older boys went through by themselves and had so much fun.  We are so thankful for such great friends!
The Girls

The boys

Love these girls

Halloween this year was a little wet.  Since our great neighbors the Sanchez moved, we decided to have a little get together at our house.  We had to have it in the garage because of the rain.  We had pizza and hot chocolate and the kids were READY to get going.  I took Addy and Bronson out this year so Kelly could watch the Utah game.  We didn't last too long.  It was FREEZING!  The big boys were out for awhile and came home with Loads of candy!  It was so fun this year with Addy.  She would walk up to the door and say "Trick or Treat" then she would want to eat that candy right then. 
Bronson our little Dracula....I love his hand in this pic

Kenzie......what a NERD!


Brennan....dead soccer player again!

Riley was Messi (a soccer player) he designed and made his own Jersey!

The Guys

Draculas....Such scary boys

Little Pirate Noahy this girl

Da Boys

Our little Witchy Poo

My mom made this awesome earthquake cake for me.  Thanks MOM!
October was a fabulous month with lots of birthdays, parties and fun.  We love our friends and family!