November 16, 2011

Fall Fun.....

I have been a major slacker this year with my blog!  I am going to try to be better about posting......

We have had such a fun fall with lots of fun activities.  I LOVE the fall, football games, birthdays , Halloween, the crisp feeling in the air.  LOVE IT ALL!

Kassie and I went to the Taylor Swift concert.  It was AMAZING!!!!!  We had such a fun night.  This was 2 weeks before Kassie had the baby.  She was such a trooper.  Her poor feet by the end of the night were so swollen.  I love my sis!

We love going to the Utah football games. 

My sweet boy turned 13 in October.  I cannot believe that I am officially a mom of a teenager!!!!  What the heck????  Riley doesn't like regular cake so I made him a frozen lemonade cake!

Kelly turned 41!  I had no idea what to do for Kelly this year.  I blew up 41 and balloons and wrote 41 things I love about him!

 Sandi and Duane celebrated 50 years of marriage in October.  We had a big family dinner for them and then an open house.  It was fun being in Richfield and celebrating this special day with them.

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch!

For family night one night we went with our friends to Murray park where they had a fun little sppok alley for the kids.  The kids loved least the little ones did.  Afterwards, we headed over to Gardner Village to see all the witches.  We are so thankful for wonderful friends!

The Boys

I love this picture.....Kelly of course ahs his eyes closed and I love Jeremy trying to sneak in!

The Girls.....Love these ladies!

My sweet family.  Love Bronsons face in this one!

Crazy fun day......We went to the Utah Blackout game and we had extra tickets so we decided to take Brennan and the Grays took Carter.  It was Brens first Utah game, and he got right into it.  After, we flew to the REAL game.  It was their first playoff game and we met Riley and Bronson there.  It was a crazy fun day filled with lots of sports!

I Love these handsome boys!


 So every year my mom has a fun little Halloween party for the kids.  This year she let the older kids make a Spook Alley in her garage.  They did an AWESOME job.  They got all sorts of floding tables we had to crawl through, they were throwing snaps and they even got out the leaf blower so that it sounded somewhat like a chain saw.  It was hilarious.  After we did the Ole fashioned Bobbing for apples.  Thanks to Steve he showed us how it was done....

Luckiest Auntie.....we got two new baby girls in 3 weeks.  Baby Evelyn (Steve & Jess) on the left and Baby Stella (Kassie and Jon) on the right.  Love these princesses!

We had such an amazing fall and now we are gearing up for the Holidays!  Can't wait!!!


Mandi said...

Oh my gosh you are soooo cute! I miss you!

Holly said...

You guys have way too much fun! It was great seeing u the other day. You have a darling family!