November 28, 2011

Washington State

My grandparents live in Pullman, Washington and since the Utes were playing Washington State in Pullman we decided to take the kids and go visit them. My cute grandpa is a former Cougar football player and President of the University, and long time season ticket holder, so he got us tickets to the game. Mom, dad and Zach made the 2 day trip to Pullman with us. We stopped in Boise for the night and had a great time road tripping to watch the Utes play in sub degree weather.

McCall, Idaho

On the banks of the Salmon River

All the kids with Grandma Nord

Phil, Eric and Dan

Getting ready to walk into the game.  Love my cute grandpa.


Before the game, no snow yet.....

Mom and Dad


Half Time.....let the blizzard begin

My mom hates the snow, she was such a trooper

The UTES after a close win......well worth the drive
Thanks grandpa for a fun weekend.  Lots of driving, but we had a great time!


Aimee said...

Go BYU! He he!

Waiting for a Christmas post......... :)